Minggu, 06 Mei 2012


MySQL merupakan database yang paling sering dipasangkan dengan PHP. Artikel berikut menunjukkan code PHP untuk melakukan koneksi ke database MySQL dan melakukan query.
Untuk menjalankan latihan langkah demi langkah di bawah ini, Anda dianggap sudah melakukan instalasi database PHI-Minimart sebelumnya.

Membuka dan Menutup Koneksi MySQL

Untuk melakukan koneksi ke MySQL gunakan perintah berikut :
mysql_connect(nama_host, nama_user, password)

$var_koneksi = mysql_connect(nama_host, nama_user, password)

dan untuk menutup koneksi kita gunakan :


Sebagai contoh, misalkan kita ingin melakukan koneksi ke server "localhost" kita dengan user "root" tanpa password (kosong). Berikut adalah contoh scriptnya :
        $koneksi = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("Koneksi Gagal !" . mysql_error());
        if($koneksi) echo "Koneksi Berhasil";

Berikut adalah screenshot dari halaman php tersebut jika koneksi berhasil atau gagal.

Memilih Database

Setelah koneksi berhasil saatnya kita memilih database yang akan kita gunakan, berikut adalah syntax perintahnya :
mysql_select_dbnama_database )
mysql_select_dbnama_database, $var_koneksi)
Berikut adalah contoh scriptnya :
        $koneksi = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("Koneksi Gagal !" . mysql_error());
        if($koneksi) echo "Koneksi Berhasil";
        $db = mysql_select_db("phi_minimart_master") or die("Database tidak ada !" . mysql_error());
        echo "<br />";
        if($db) echo "Database phi_minimart_master berhasil dibuka !";
Dan jika berhasil maka tampilan akan terlihat seperti pada gambar berikut ini.


Membuat mysql database replication/mirroring di UbuntuKebutuhan akan adanya High Availability (HA) tidak hanya pada webserver.Bisa juga HA dibuat untuk sistem database. HA pada database dibuat dengan sistem replikasi.Artinya akan ada sebuah sistem dengan minimal 2 database server yang akan berfungsi masing-masing sebagai master dan slave.Semua transaksi data diproses dan disimpan di database master.Secara bersamaan sistem akan otomatis mereplikasi semua data dari master ke slave (sinkronisasi secara otomatis).Jika sebelumnya HA pada webserver kita sudah berjalan (lihat artikel sebelumnya) , kita sudah memiliki infrastuktur HA yang komplit untuk menjalan aplikasi database kita yang dapat mencegah Single Point Of Failure (SPOF)  pada layer aplikasi.

Untuk memulai database replication :
1.Pastikan kedua database server mysql sudah berjalan dengan baik
2.Pastikan kedua database server dapat berkomunikasi ip dari master adalah  sedangkan ip dari slave adalah
3.Sistem pada artikel ini berjalan dengan OS Ubuntu 8 dengan apache2, php 5 dan mysql server 5.
4.Install packet rsync pada kedua database (master dan slave) dengan perintah dibawah ini:
apt-get install rsync
5.Pada database master
·       Buat database sederhana dengan user root, dan buat juga tabelnya.(database apasaja).kemudian isikan beberapa data pada tabel tersebut.Pada rtikel ini database nya adalah sample dan
tabelnya adalah siswa
·       edit file –> /etc/mysql/my.cnf dengan isi seperti ini
log-bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
server-id=1Login ke mysql dengan perintah:
mysql -u root -p #isikan password root nya
·       Buat user dengan nama slave_user dengan password admin123 dan berikan grant all_priviledges pada user slave_user
·       Berikan perintah dibawah ini pada shell mysql (ekseskusi satu persatu baris ya)
USE sample;
#Outputnya adalah (output ini harus ada):
| File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
| mysql-bin.000004 | 98 | sample | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Dengan menggunakan tools phpmyadmin, export database sample (nantinya hasil eksport ini akan digunakan di database slave)
6.Pada database slave
Dengan menggunakan tools phpmyadmin, import database sample yang tadi sudah dieksport
7.Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf :
8.Masuk ke mysql slave dengan perintah:
mysql -u root -p # isikan password root nya
9.Ketik perintah ini di shell mysql:
11.Selesai.Test dengan cara masukkan data baru atau edit data lama pada master.Dan lihat hasilnya pada slave.Secara otomatis slave tersinkronisasi datanya dari master (kedua data sama)


Replikasi Database di MySQL

Tulisan ini merupakan dokumentasi sekaligus sebagai reminder  saya dalam melakukan set up replikasi database di MySQL. Sebenarnya set up untuk model replikasi Master-Slave ini ngga terlalu rumit kok. Replikasi pada MySQL memungkinkan kita untuk memiliki copy database dari server utama (master) ke server lainnya/cadangan (slave), dan semua update/perubahan yang terjadi pada server utama akan otomatis secara langsung di replikasi pada server slave. Replikasi berguna jika terjadi kerusakan pada server utama maka effort untuk segera membuat server kembali Up lebih minimal sambil menunggu server utama di perbaiki.
Pada kasus  ini saya melakukan replikasi pada 2 buah server yang di dalamnya terinstall OpenSuse. Server Utama adalah IBM Power PC Intellistation 185 dengan OS Linux Open Suse 11 (for Power PC) dan Server kedua adalah HP ML 350 G4 dengan OS Linux Open Suse 10.2. Secara umum konfigurasinya hampir sama dengan distro lainnya, hanya perbedaan di path saja saya pikir. OK lets get it on.
1. Konfigurasi Master
Pertama kita edit file /etc/my.cnf pada file ini kita definisikan file log yang berfungsi oleh slave untuk melihat apa yang telah berubah pada master dan kita juga harus mendefinisikan bahwa MySQL pada sever utama ini adalah master. Dan kita juga ingin mereplikasi database dengan nama misalnya ehrdatabase maka kita harus menambahkannya ke file /etc/my.cnf
log-bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
lalu kita restart Mysql
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
Lalu kita log in ke MySQL sebagai root dan membuat user dengan kewenangan melakukan replikasi.
mysql -u root -p
Enter password:

Sekarang kita dalam MySQL shell.
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO ’slave_user’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘<some_password>’; (ganti<some_password> dengan password kita!)

Berikutnya (masih pada shell MySQL) beri perintah:
USE exampledb;

Perintah terakhir akan menampilkan seperti berikut :
| File          | Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| mysql-bin.006 | 183      | ehrdatabase  |                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Catat konfigurasi diatas karena akan digunakan saat mengkonfigurasi server slave. S
kemudian keluar dari shell MySQL :
Kaena kita ingin melakukan replikasi maka pada slave juga harus memiliki database yang sama seperti pada master, maka dari itu kita dump dulu database yang ada pada master, dengan perintah :
mysqldump -u root -p<password> –opt ehrdatabase > ehrdatabase.sql
Sekarang konfigurasi master telah selesai. Sekarang set up slave ..
2. Konfigurasi Slave
Pada slave pertama kali kita buat database dulu dengan nama yang sama ehrdatabase:
mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
CREATE DATABASE ehrdatabase;

Kemudian kita import/restore kembali data yang telah kita backup dari master pada slave:
mysql -u root -p<password> ehrdatabase < ehrdatabase.sql
Sekarang kita harus Memberitahu MySQL yang ada pada slave, bahwa alamat IP server master adalah , dan database yang akan di replikasi adalah ehrdatabase, dan database yang akan direplikasi adalah ehrdatabase. Maka dari itu kita tambahkan beberapa baris pada /etc/mysql/my.cnf:
Lalu kita restart MySQL:
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
Terakhir , kita harus melakukan ini :
mysql -u root -p
Enter password:

Pada perintah berikutnya (masih on the MySQL shell) kita harus menyesuaikannya sesuai data yang ada:
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST=’′, MASTER_USER=’slave_user’, MASTER_PASSWORD=’<some_password>‘, MASTER_LOG_FILE=’mysql-bin.006′, MASTER_LOG_POS=183;
  • MASTER_HOST is the IP address or hostname of the master (in this example it is
  • MASTER_USER is the user we granted replication privileges on the master.
  • MASTER_PASSWORD is the password of MASTER_USER on the master.
  • MASTER_LOG_FILE is the file MySQL gave back when you ran SHOW MASTER STATUS; on the master.
  • MASTER_LOG_POS is the position MySQL gave back when you ran SHOW MASTER STATUS; on the master.
Lalu beri perintah (masih pada shell MySQL) :
Begitulah simple bukan,sekarang kapanpun ehrdatabase terupdate di master, semua perubahan akan di replikasi ke database ehrdatabase pada slave. Saatnya di tes.
(pada shell MySQL) :
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_User: slave_user
Master_Port: 3306
Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: MASTERMYSQL01-bin.000009
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 4
Relay_Log_File: MASTERMYSQL02-relay-bin.000015
Relay_Log_Pos: 3630
Relay_Master_Log_File: MASTERMYSQL01-bin.000009
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Replicate_Do_DB: ehrdatabase
Last_Errno: 0
Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 4
Relay_Log_Space: 3630
Until_Condition: None
Until_Log_Pos: 0
Master_SSL_Allowed: No
Seconds_Behind_Master: 1519187
Untuk melihat jalan tidaknya proses replikasi Parameter Slave_IO_Running and   Slave_SQL_Running: harus YES.


FUNCTION adalah salah satu feature yang terdapat di mysql 5.0 sedang-kan Function adalah
kumpulan-kumpulan SQL berupa rountine yang di simpan dalam database MySQL Server. biasanya function ini dikombinasikan dengan
store pocedure atau bisa juga tidak di kombinasikan dengan store procedure

oke berikut ini cara membuat function

dalam contoh dibawah ini kasus tentang sistem informasi sekolah, yang mana function yang dibuat akan mengembalikan nilai berupa jumlah siswa dari setiap kelas.

sturuktur tabel siswa

CREATE TABLE `data_siswa`.`tbl_siswa` (
`nis` char(10) NOT NULL,
`nama` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`kelas` int(11) NOT NULL

function untuk mengembalikan jumlah data dari setiap kelas

CREATE FUNCTION sf_tampil_siswa_kelas (p_kelas int) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC

SELECT COUNT(*) AS jml_kelas INTO jml FROM tb_siswa WHERE kelas = p_kelas;


penjelasannya sebagai berikut:
  • DELIMITER = adalah untuk memberi tahu kepada myql soal delimiter yang digunakan, secara default menggunakan ; jadi bila ada tanda ; mysql akan mengartikan akhir dari statement, pada contoh di atas delimeter yang digunakan $$ jadi akhir statementnya adalah $$
  • CREATE FUNCTION = adalah header untuk membuat function
  • RETURNS = adalah untuk menentukan tipe data yang di return-kan oleh function
  • DETERMINISTIC/ NOT DETERMINISTIC = adalah untuk menentukan yang bisa menggunakan function ini adalah user pembuatnya saja (determinisric) atau user siapa saja (not determinisric).
  • BEGIN END = adalah body dari function jadi semua SQL nya di tulis disini.

contoh pemanggilannya seperiti dibawah ini:

select sf_tampil_siswa_kelas("2");

sebuah function hanya bisa memberikan return berupa nilai saja dan tidak bisa berupa resutlset

untuk penulisan DETEMINISTIC bisa ditulis secara implisit dengan memberikan setting global pada mysql dan secara default benilai NOT DETEMINISTIC , caranya dibawah ini:

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;


My Artikel_MySQL_wulan(12111113)

    [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]
    PROCEDURE sp_name ([proc_parameter[,...]])
    [characteristic ...] routine_body

    [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]
    FUNCTION sp_name ([func_parameter[,...]])
    RETURNS type
    [characteristic ...] routine_body

    [ IN | OUT | INOUT ] param_name type

    param_name type

    Any valid MySQL data type

    COMMENT 'string'

    Valid SQL routine statement
These statements create stored routines. By default, a routine is associated with the default database. To associate the routine explicitly with a given database, specify the name as db_name.sp_name when you create it.
The CREATE FUNCTION statement is also used in MySQL to support UDFs (user-defined functions). See Section 21.2, “Adding New Functions to MySQL”. A UDF can be regarded as an external stored function. Stored functions share their namespace with UDFs. See Section 9.2.3, “Function Name Parsing and Resolution”, for the rules describing how the server interprets references to different kinds of functions.
To invoke a stored procedure, use the CALL statement (see Section 13.2.1, “CALL Syntax”). To invoke a stored function, refer to it in an expression. The function returns a value during expression evaluation.
As of MySQL 5.0.3, CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION require the CREATE ROUTINE privilege. They might also require the SUPER privilege, depending on the DEFINER value, as described later in this section. If binary logging is enabled, CREATE FUNCTION might require the SUPER privilege, as described in Section 18.6, “Binary Logging of Stored Programs”.
By default, MySQL automatically grants the ALTER ROUTINE and EXECUTE privileges to the routine creator. This behavior can be changed by disabling the automatic_sp_privileges system variable. See Section 18.2.2, “Stored Routines and MySQL Privileges”.
The DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses specify the security context to be used when checking access privileges at routine execution time, as described later in this section.
If the routine name is the same as the name of a built-in SQL function, a syntax error occurs unless you use a space between the name and the following parenthesis when defining the routine or invoking it later. For this reason, avoid using the names of existing SQL functions for your own stored routines.
The IGNORE_SPACE SQL mode applies to built-in functions, not to stored routines. It is always permissible to have spaces after a stored routine name, regardless of whether IGNORE_SPACE is enabled.
The parameter list enclosed within parentheses must always be present. If there are no parameters, an empty parameter list of () should be used. Parameter names are not case sensitive.
Each parameter is an IN parameter by default. To specify otherwise for a parameter, use the keyword OUT or INOUT before the parameter name.
Specifying a parameter as IN, OUT, or INOUT is valid only for a PROCEDURE. For a FUNCTION, parameters are always regarded as IN parameters.
An IN parameter passes a value into a procedure. The procedure might modify the value, but the modification is not visible to the caller when the procedure returns. An OUT parameter passes a value from the procedure back to the caller. Its initial value is NULL within the procedure, and its value is visible to the caller when the procedure returns. An INOUT parameter is initialized by the caller, can be modified by the procedure, and any change made by the procedure is visible to the caller when the procedure returns.
For each OUT or INOUT parameter, pass a user-defined variable in the CALL statement that invokes the procedure so that you can obtain its value when the procedure returns. If you are calling the procedure from within another stored procedure or function, you can also pass a routine parameter or local routine variable as an IN or INOUT parameter.
The following example shows a simple stored procedure that uses an OUT parameter:
mysql> delimiter //

mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE simpleproc (OUT param1 INT)
    -> BEGIN
    ->   SELECT COUNT(*) INTO param1 FROM t;
    -> END//
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delimiter ;

mysql> CALL simpleproc(@a);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT @a;
| @a   |
| 3    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The example uses the mysql client delimiter command to change the statement delimiter from ; to // while the procedure is being defined. This enables the ; delimiter used in the procedure body to be passed through to the server rather than being interpreted by mysql itself. See Section 18.1, “Defining Stored Programs”.
The RETURNS clause may be specified only for a FUNCTION, for which it is mandatory. It indicates the return type of the function, and the function body must contain a RETURN value statement. If the RETURN statement returns a value of a different type, the value is coerced to the proper type. For example, if a function specifies an ENUM or SET value in the RETURNS clause, but the RETURN statement returns an integer, the value returned from the function is the string for the corresponding ENUM member of set of SET members.
The following example function takes a parameter, performs an operation using an SQL function, and returns the result. In this case, it is unnecessary to use delimiter because the function definition contains no internal ; statement delimiters:
mysql> CREATE FUNCTION hello (s CHAR(20))
    -> RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT hello('world');
| hello('world') |
| Hello, world!  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Parameter types and function return types can be declared to use any valid data type, except that the COLLATE attribute cannot be used.
The routine_body consists of a valid SQL routine statement. This can be a simple statement such as SELECT or INSERT, or a compound statement written using BEGIN and END. Compound statements can contain declarations, loops, and other control structure statements. The syntax for these statements is described in Section 13.6, “MySQL Compound-Statement Syntax”.
MySQL permits routines to contain DDL statements, such as CREATE and DROP. MySQL also permits stored procedures (but not stored functions) to contain SQL transaction statements such as COMMIT. Stored functions may not contain statements that perform explicit or implicit commit or rollback. Support for these statements is not required by the SQL standard, which states that each DBMS vendor may decide whether to permit them.
Statements that return a result set can be used within a stored procedure but not within a stored function. This prohibition includes SELECT statements that do not have an INTO var_list clause and other statements such as SHOW, EXPLAIN, and CHECK TABLE. For statements that can be determined at function definition time to return a result set, a Not allowed to return a result set from a function error occurs (ER_SP_NO_RETSET). For statements that can be determined only at runtime to return a result set, a PROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given context error occurs (ER_SP_BADSELECT).
Before MySQL 5.0.10, stored functions created with CREATE FUNCTION must not contain references to tables, with limited exceptions. They may include some SET statements that contain table references, for example SET a:= (SELECT MAX(id) FROM t), and SELECT statements that fetch values directly into variables, for example SELECT i INTO var1 FROM t.
USE statements within stored routines are not permitted. When a routine is invoked, an implicit USE db_name is performed (and undone when the routine terminates). This causes the routine to have the given default database while it executes. References to objects in databases other than the routine default database should be qualified with the appropriate database name.
For additional information about statements that are not permitted in stored routines, see Section E.1, “Restrictions on Stored Programs”.
For information about invoking stored procedures from within programs written in a language that has a MySQL interface, see Section 13.2.1, “CALL Syntax”.
MySQL stores the sql_mode system variable setting that is in effect at the time a routine is created, and always executes the routine with this setting in force, regardless of the server SQL mode in effect when the routine is invoked.
The switch from the SQL mode of the invoker to that of the routine occurs after evaluation of arguments and assignment of the resulting values to routine parameters. If you define a routine in strict SQL mode but invoke it in nonstrict mode, assignment of arguments to routine parameters does not take place in strict mode. If you require that expressions passed to a routine be assigned in strict SQL mode, you should invoke the routine with strict mode in effect.
The COMMENT characteristic is a MySQL extension, and may be used to describe the stored routine. This information is displayed by the SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE and SHOW CREATE FUNCTION statements.
The LANGUAGE characteristic indicates the language in which the routine is written. The server ignores this characteristic; only SQL routines are supported.
A routine is considered “deterministic” if it always produces the same result for the same input parameters, and “not deterministic” otherwise. If neither DETERMINISTIC nor NOT DETERMINISTIC is given in the routine definition, the default is NOT DETERMINISTIC. To declare that a function is deterministic, you must specify DETERMINISTIC explicitly.
Assessment of the nature of a routine is based on the “honesty” of the creator: MySQL does not check that a routine declared DETERMINISTIC is free of statements that produce nondeterministic results. However, misdeclaring a routine might affect results or affect performance. Declaring a nondeterministic routine as DETERMINISTIC might lead to unexpected results by causing the optimizer to make incorrect execution plan choices. Declaring a deterministic routine as NONDETERMINISTIC might diminish performance by causing available optimizations not to be used. Prior to MySQL 5.0.44, the DETERMINISTIC characteristic is accepted, but not used by the optimizer.
If binary logging is enabled, the DETERMINISTIC characteristic affects which routine definitions MySQL accepts. See Section 18.6, “Binary Logging of Stored Programs”.
A routine that contains the NOW() function (or its synonyms) or RAND() is nondeterministic, but it might still be replication-safe. For NOW(), the binary log includes the timestamp and replicates correctly. RAND() also replicates correctly as long as it is called only a single time during the execution of a routine. (You can consider the routine execution timestamp and random number seed as implicit inputs that are identical on the master and slave.)
Several characteristics provide information about the nature of data use by the routine. In MySQL, these characteristics are advisory only. The server does not use them to constrain what kinds of statements a routine will be permitted to execute.
  • CONTAINS SQL indicates that the routine does not contain statements that read or write data. This is the default if none of these characteristics is given explicitly. Examples of such statements are SET @x = 1 or DO RELEASE_LOCK('abc'), which execute but neither read nor write data.
  • NO SQL indicates that the routine contains no SQL statements.
  • READS SQL DATA indicates that the routine contains statements that read data (for example, SELECT), but not statements that write data.
  • MODIFIES SQL DATA indicates that the routine contains statements that may write data (for example, INSERT or DELETE).
The SQL SECURITY characteristic can be DEFINER or INVOKER to specify the security context; that is, whether the routine executes using the privileges of the account named in the routine DEFINER clause or the user who invokes it. This account must have permission to access the database with which the routine is associated. The default value is DEFINER. As of MySQL 5.0.3, the user who invokes the routine must have the EXECUTE privilege for it, as must the DEFINER account if the routine executes in definer security context.
The DEFINER clause specifies the MySQL account to be used when checking access privileges at routine execution time for routines that have the SQL SECURITY DEFINER characteristic. The DEFINER clause was added in MySQL 5.0.20.
If a user value is given for the DEFINER clause, it should be a MySQL account specified as 'user_name'@'host_name' (the same format used in the GRANT statement), CURRENT_USER, or CURRENT_USER(). The default DEFINER value is the user who executes the CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION or statement. This is the same as specifying DEFINER = CURRENT_USER explicitly.
If you specify the DEFINER clause, these rules determine the legal DEFINER user values:
  • If you do not have the SUPER privilege, the only legal user value is your own account, either specified literally or by using CURRENT_USER. You cannot set the definer to some other account.
  • If you have the SUPER privilege, you can specify any syntactically legal account name. If the account does not actually exist, a warning is generated.
  • Although it is possible to create a routine with a nonexistent DEFINER account, an error occurs at routine execution time if the SQL SECURITY value is DEFINER but the definer account does not exist.
For more information about stored routine security, see Section 18.5, “Access Control for Stored Programs and Views”.
Within a stored routine that is defined with the SQL SECURITY DEFINER characteristic, CURRENT_USER returns the routine's DEFINER value. For information about user auditing within stored routines, see Section 6.3.8, “Auditing MySQL Account Activity”.
Consider the following procedure, which displays a count of the number of MySQL accounts listed in the mysql.user table:
CREATE DEFINER = 'admin'@'localhost' PROCEDURE account_count()
  SELECT 'Number of accounts:', COUNT(*) FROM mysql.user;
The procedure is assigned a DEFINER account of 'admin'@'localhost' no matter which user defines it. It executes with the privileges of that account no matter which user invokes it (because the default security characteristic is DEFINER). The procedure succeeds or fails depending on whether invoker has the EXECUTE privilege for it and 'admin'@'localhost' has the SELECT privilege for the mysql.user table.
Now suppose that the procedure is defined with the SQL SECURITY INVOKER characteristic:
CREATE DEFINER = 'admin'@'localhost' PROCEDURE account_count()
  SELECT 'Number of accounts:', COUNT(*) FROM mysql.user;
The procedure still has a DEFINER of 'admin'@'localhost', but in this case, it executes with the privileges of the invoking user. Thus, the procedure succeeds or fails depending on whether the invoker has the EXECUTE privilege for it and the SELECT privilege for the mysql.user table.
As of MySQL 5.0.18, the handles the data type of a routine parameter, local routine variable created with DECLARE, or function return value as follows:
  • Assignments are checked for data type mismatches and overflow. Conversion and overflow problems result in warnings, or errors in strict SQL mode.
  • Only scalar values can be assigned. For example, a statement such as SET x = (SELECT 1, 2) is invalid.
  • For character data types, if there is a CHARACTER SET attribute in the declaration, the specified character set and its default collation are used. If there is no such attribute, as of MySQL 5.0.25, the database character set and collation that are in effect at the time the server loads the routine into the routine cache are used. (These are given by the values of the character_set_database and collation_database system variables.) If the database character set or collation change while the routine is in the cache, routine execution is unaffected by the change until the next time the server reloads the routine into the cache. The COLLATE attribute is not supported. (This includes use of BINARY, which in this context specifies the binary collation of the character set.)
If you change the database default character set or collation, stored routines that use the database defaults must be dropped and recreated so that they use the new defaults.
Before MySQL 5.0.18, parameters, return values, and local variables are treated as items in expressions, and are subject to automatic (silent) conversion and truncation. Stored functions ignore the sql_mode setting.
Copyright © 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices

User Comments
Posted by John Hirbour on April 8 2008 5:33pm

if you are using the Pear DB package you just need to add

'client_flags' => 65536

do your DSN array if you are getting: "can't retun a result set in the given context"
Posted by Sander Stuurwold on November 14 2008 3:23pm

I do most of the time Microsoft SQL Server, so I needed some time to look how to create a function with variables... here it is. The function gets an XML value from a char field based on the tag...


CREATE FUNCTION fnGetXMLinfoVraag4 (xmlTag varchar(30),message text) returns varchar(255)
declare lenField int;
declare xmlTagBegin varchar(30);
declare xmlTagEnd varchar(30);
declare fieldresult varchar(255);
set xmlTagBegin = concat('<', xmlTag, '>');
set xmlTagEnd = concat('</', xmlTag, '>');
set lenField = length(xmlTag) + 2;
set fieldresult = case when locate(xmlTagBegin,message) = 0 then ''
else substring(message,locate(xmlTagBegin,message) + lenField,locate(xmlTagEnd,message) - (locate(xmlTagBegin,message) + lenField)) end;
return fieldresult;

When binlogging (for f.e. replication) is enabled the syntax should be
extended like next:

CREATE FUNCTION fnGetXMLinfoVraag4 (xmlTag varchar(30),message text) returns varchar(255)
declare lenField int;
declare xmlTagBegin varchar(30);
declare xmlTagEnd varchar(30);
declare fieldresult varchar(255);
set xmlTagBegin = concat('<', xmlTag, '>');
set xmlTagEnd = concat('</', xmlTag, '>');
set lenField = length(xmlTag) + 2;
set fieldresult = case when locate(xmlTagBegin,message) = 0 then ''
else substring(message,locate(xmlTagBegin,message) + lenField,locate(xmlTagEnd,message) - (locate(xmlTagBegin,message) + lenField)) end;
return fieldresult;
Posted by Lesley B on November 8 2010 7:26pm

An example using varchar and character sets

delimiter //
CREATE FUNCTION db.fnfullname ( id smallint(5) unsigned ) RETURNS varchar(160) CHARACTER SET utf8
COMMENT 'Returns the full name of person in db.people table referenced by id where FirstName and FamilyName are not null but MiddleName may be null'
DECLARE fulname varchar(160) CHARACTER SET utf8;
SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', db.people.FirstName, db.people.MiddleName, db.people.FamilyName) into fulname from db.people where db.people.id=id;
RETURN fulname;

delimiter ;
Posted by Yogesh Gadiya on April 6 2011 7:01am

Sample for Procedure with insert to trace error logs

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `add_error_log`(
`error_level` int(11),
`error_level_name` varchar(512),
`error_message` longtext,
`error_file` text,
`error_line` int(11),
`error_context` longtext,
`error_query_string` longtext,
`error_time` text ,
`user_id` int(11),
`post_data` longtext,
`user_msg` text)
INSERT INTO tbl_error_log(error_level, error_level_name, error_message, error_file,error_line, error_context,error_query_string,error_time, user_id, post_data, user_msg)
values(error_level, error_level_name, error_message, error_file,error_line, error_context,error_query_string, error_time, user_id, post_data, user_msg);
Posted by Brett Vandale on December 14 2011 5:06pm

I didn't find a lot of examples for MySQL Stored Procs so I thought I'd add one. This one uses a temp table and iterates through the rows. It was a pain in the butt to debug in phpMyAdmin. There was a lot of dropping and re-creating.


delimiter $$

create procedure assignKeywords( currCID int )

declare currKeywordID int;
declare currTitle varchar(255);
declare currKeyword varchar(255);
declare currContent text;
declare keywordsCSV varchar(255);

-- get content
select id, title, content from content where id = currCID into currCID, currTitle, currContent;

-- create the keywords temp table to iterate
drop temporary table if exists keywords_temp;
create temporary table keywords_temp as
select id, display_val from vars where name = 'KEYWORDS' order by display_order desc;

set keywordsCSV = ",";
while (select count(*) from keywords_temp) > 0

select id, display_val from keywords_temp limit 1 into currKeywordID, currKeyword;

-- search the content for current keyword
if instr(currContent,currKeyword) > 0 || instr(currTitle,currKeyword) > 0
set keywordsCSV = CONCAT(keywordsCSV, currKeywordID);
set keywordsCSV = CONCAT(keywordsCSV, ",");
end if;

delete from keywords_temp where id = currKeywordID;

end while;

drop temporary table if exists keywords_temp;

update content set keywords = keywordsCSV where id = currCID;


Posted by Rafal Jaworowski on December 28 2011 4:25pm

O_Id int NOT NULL,
OrderNo int NOT NULL,
P_Id int,
CREATE TABLE uzytkownicy2
O_Id int NOT NULL,
OrderNo int NOT NULL,
P_Id int,
FOREIGN KEY (P_Id) References Osob(P_Id)
INSERT INTO `osob`(`O_Id`, `OrderNo`, `P_Id`) VALUES (1,2,3)
INSERT INTO `uzytkownicy2`(`O_Id`, `OrderNo`, `P_Id`) VALUES (1,2,3)
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO param1 FROM trenowanie_mysql.osob;
CALL wam2(@a);